How to Rid Skin Tags and Warts OVERNIGHT

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Find out how to get rid of skin tags fast using a simple two-ingredient remedy.


0:00 Introduction: Get rid of skin tags fast
1:00 What are skin tags?
3:28 What causes skin tags?
5:13 The best remedy for skin tags and warts
8:03 Other remedies for skin tags and warts
8:53 Learn more about the underlying cause of skin tags and warts!

Let’s talk about how to get rid of skin tags and warts fast. Skin tags and warts are indicators of something deeper going on.

Skin tags are the result of an anabolic response—they are a growth of cells, like mini benign tumors.

There is a high association between skin tags and warts and HPV. Skin tags are more common in women and in people who have diabetes, PCOS, or who are overweight.

Insulin resistance is related to diabetes, obesity, and PCOS. One study demonstrated a strong association between skin tags and insulin resistance.

To get to the root problem of skin tags and to make sure they don’t come back after you get rid of them, you need to take steps to improve your insulin resistance and, potentially, estrogen dominance. This means getting on the Healthy Keto diet and doing intermittent fasting.

The best natural remedy for skin tags and warts:
• Mix two drops of povidone-iodine with a couple of drops of garlic juice. If you don't want to use garlic, you could try using zinc oxide, oregano oil, or apple cider vinegar.

• Using a cotton swab, put the mixture directly on the skin tag or wart, and then put a bandaid or tape over it.

• Keep the mixture in the refrigerator to keep it fresh, and apply the remedy twice a day for up to two weeks. Make a new, fresh mixture each day.

If you don’t see any changes, try using one of these remedies topically and cover it with a bandaid or tape:
• Salicylic acid
• A crushed aspirin in water
• Celandine



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* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain how to get rid of skin tags fast. I’ll see you in the next video.

65 responses to “How to Rid Skin Tags and Warts OVERNIGHT”

  1. This is why Dr. Berg is one of, if not, maybe my favorite online doctor.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC : I would currently be dead if I hadn’t found you two years ago. I was fat, sick and nearly dead, as they say, and Iost 80 pounds that first year and have felt much much better! Thank you!

    • Dr Berg gives solutions to the diseases than cannot be cured by medication but by diet , fasting , it works Dr Berg remedies are great . No doubt he is liked by millions.

  2. I was starting to get these on my neck and on my armpits but after I started Keto about 4 years ago, they disappeared. Also I noticed my skin doesn’t burn as much in the sun, and I can float on my back in the pool, straight without sinking. I’ve lost about 40 pounds in the 4 years.

    • I have been doing High Saturated Fat Keto for almost five years and I have noticed that I barely burn in the mid day sun anymore.

    • @Dawn Elder bro. I 100% believe you. I became a carpenter at 30, started working outdoors. The Sun changed my life. I actually go tanning now because I changed careers. I do not use sunblock, I haven’t been sunburned in several years, and I feel like I am resilient to sunburns now. Nobody believes what I am doing is safe, so I love reading comments like yours.

    • What does it mean when you are able to float? I always sink like a rock when i try to float even with my lungs full of air.

  3. Brilliant info! Please could you feature sebacious cysts and how to rid them? What else apart from iodine? DMSO would also be a very useful subject….please.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC anything solution for Lipomas? 4 doctors (2 MDs and 2 Osteopaths) have said nothing other than excision. They started when I was about 20, sometimes they get slightly sore to the touch, but have remained in a state of stasis for at least 20 years now

  4. Good morning Doc, I had a few skin tag looking things and once I started my Seamoss infusions religiously and they disappeared, Thanks Dr. Berg 💜 You’re amazing 🙏🏽

  5. 5:00 What you need to do about skin tags? You need to fix insulin resistance as well as estrogen dominance if you have that problem but chances are it’s more of an insulin resistance problem. The solution is starting the healthy version of the ketogenic diet as well as intermittent fasting to make sure they don’t come back after you get rid of them.
    5:22 The best remedy for skin tags and warts: Povidone iodine and garlic juice: put two drops of said iodine in a little container and then crush fresh garlic to get a couple drops of garlic and mix them together, then take a little cotton swab, put it directly on the skin tag or wart then put a Band-Aid or tape over it. You’re going to apply the same mixture twice a day. Keep the mixture in the fridge.
    7:00 The next day, toss out the mixture you made the day before and make a fresh batch. Couple drops of iodine, couple drops and fresh garlic juice and you’re good to go.
    7:32 You keep repeating it for up to two weeks.
    7:40 Other things that can also help: Zinc oxide, apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, but the best results are achieved with garlic and iodine.
    7:52 If the first remedy doesn’t work: Salicylic acid or crush an aspirin up and put the aspirin topically within some water and then put a Band-Aid on it, or use an ancient plant you can get as a remedy called celandine (fresh would be better) you pick one of the stems and you’ll notice there’s this oozing fluid out of the stem and you would put it topically, then put a Band-Aid.

    Thank you Dr. Berg
    Sincerely, 11 : 11 Meditation Portal Channel

  6. Dr. Berg, thank you for addressing the topic of skin tags and warts. My daughter had gotten warts on her hands that transferred to under her nose. She went to a Dermatologist and they froze the little ones under her nose but used something called Beetle Juice on the warts on her hands. It blistered them and made the swell and turn red, purple and black colored until they popped. They continued to grow and become extremely painful. She couldn’t bend her fingers so she went back to the dermatologist and they decided to try freezing these now massive dark colored warts. They continue to grow and are very painful. I told her that she should contact you. I shared this video with her in hopes your suggested treatment will help her. Any other suggestions would be appreciated and helpful. Thank you for these much wonderful videos. You are one of my few favorite doctors that I can trust.❤

    • @A. MEDICAL UNITED I’ve used duct tape successfully, but it doesn’t work on all I’ve tried. Different duct tape or different kind of wart? I’m not sure.

    • Bloodroot is the final boss, for sure. I’ve never had a wart, but I’ve used bloodroot on plenty of moles and it works every time, no exceptions. I bought a tiny little tube of a brand called Dermatend years and years ago, and it has been plenty for my needs.

      Amazing stuff, supposedly people have cured themselves of serious cancers using bloodroot, as long as their tumor is at or near the surface. For anyone dealing with an iffy mole and not wanting to go to a dermatologist – bloodroot.

    • @M -I did 6 weeks with a combo of providone iodine and duct tape on a small wart 24 hrs. per day. Reduced the size a little, but that is all. I also tried castor oil twice daily for 6 weeks and all that did was turn the wart a light yellowish color.

    • Green ( unripe) walnut shell got rid of my warts which where located all over my fingers in my childhood.
      It happened by accident too.
      Just playing with and trying to eat unripe walnuts in summertime and ended up with green/ brown stains over my hands which in result eliminated the warts and they never came back .

  7. I had this strange mole like thing grow like a weed within 6 months above my right eye. I put bentonite clay on it , even slept with the stuff on it for 3 weeks and it went away. Bentonite clay is amazing!

  8. As a kid, I had a wart on my fingertip. My grandmother got me some castor oil to use on it twice a day and we kept it covered. It turned black and fell off after 2 weeks. I’ve never had another one and no scarring.

    • Covering a wart with any kind of dark tape, replaced as necessary has always worked, the sun & sir can’t get at them & they die. Works great! You don’t need to buy anything, *go back to the old days cures,* not everything has to be about Big Pharma.

  9. Excerpts:
    The best natural remedy for skin tags and warts:
    • Mix two drops of povidone-iodine with a couple of drops of garlic juice. If you don’t want to use garlic, you could try using zinc oxide, oregano oil, or apple cider vinegar.

    • Using a cotton swab, put the mixture directly on the skin tag or wart, and then put a bandaid or tape over it.

    • Keep the mixture in the refrigerator to keep it fresh, and apply the remedy twice a day for up to two weeks. Make a new, fresh mixture each day.

    If you don’t see any changes, try using one of these remedies topically and cover it with a bandaid or tape:
    • Salicylic acid
    • A crushed aspirin in water
    • Celandine

    Thank you Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  10. Natural remedies, natural health as for a long time been my favorite subject to explore on a self learning basis , You Dr. Berg are by far the best as far as knowledge and explaining in simple terms , very good videos and very good content !! Thank you

  11. Dear Eric,
    What would be the best remedies for a smoker who has stopped but wants to heal or clear the lungs ?

  12. I’ve been taking your advice, taking the vitamins, eating much less, fasting intermittently, and have lost weight, and lowered my blood pressure significantly over the last 3 weeks. Thanks.

  13. This makes a lot of sense. I always thought skin tags were hereditary? My mom, her mom, and all of her sisters had them a LOT. But it makes sense because mom and one of her sisters had diabetes and except for that sister, ALL of them were very overweight. I’m in my 60’s now and have had a history of estrogen based breast cancer and now have a couple of them pesky skin tags. I guess I need to take charge of my health more. Thanks Dr. Berg!

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