Dr. Penny Figtree – ‘Chronic Kidney Disease and Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction’

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Dr Penny Figtree graduated from the University of Sydney in 1993 with first class honours. With over 20 years in general practice she has now decided to focus on weight loss and diabetes.

This decision was made after seeing the power of a low carbohydrate diet to help people lose weight and for some to even reverse diabetes. Dr Figtree had previously tried to help patients using various diets such as low fat diets, Optifast, the 5:2 fast but nothing really worked. In the end she would just say “as long as you are not gaining weight then that’s great”. Then Dr. Figtree read a book called “Always Hungry” By Professor David Ludwig where he explained the INSULIN CARBOHYDRATE MODEL OF OBESITY.

Dr. Figtree has now been practising low carb medicine for 2 years. She describes this as the most rewarding part of her career, stopping medications and patients feeling well.

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12 responses to “Dr. Penny Figtree – ‘Chronic Kidney Disease and Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction’”

  1. When I hear the words “low carb” spoken in an Australian accent I listen intently! Amazing work coming out of AUS in this space. 🇬🇧🇦🇺

  2. Low carb and OMAD changed my life for the better over all. Been over 2 years since I discover this miracle life style

  3. Reasonably safe for ketogenic. Sounds as there is no evidence which diet the body thrives on. We only have data for carb based diets and the damage that leads to T2D. Just a question, if low carb/ketosis is good for the pancreas and liver, would it be good for the kidneys? Glad these things are being looked into

  4. This was interesting. I don’t have kidney disease but I do make stones. I’m hoping to learn more about the kidney in connection with keto/carnivore diet.
    I was told I had type 2 diabetes Feb 2019 with A1c of 10.1. A friend turned me on to keto people like Dr Richard Bernstein and Dr Ken Berry. Been expanding my list since. But in Mar and xray showed a 4mm stone in right kidney.
    This being my 5th stone formation since 2001.
    A few days ago I went in for shockwave therapy. It was 12-13mm. I’m hoping after passing this one, I can eat in a way that will stop forming these.
    X-rays are also showing pelvic arterial calcification and in my right shoulder. I also can not donate platelets because of calcium issues.
    I’m hoping to figure it all out some day.

  5. Anecdote of one.. my BP went down from 140/90 to 120/70 with a low carb diet – the “nutritarian diet favoured by Dr Joel Fuhrman, though in my case “low-ish” as I still eat bread. But it’s not the salt, folks, so don’t bother about salt restriction if you’re otherwise healthy. Just cut out the processed food and cook all meals from scratch.

  6. Just recently discovered your videos and really enjoying them. I’ve been looking into low carb for many health reasons. Hoping I can learn enough here to make it work for me. Still looking into things like what the body can store as I don’t like many common foods that are low carb and not processed. Carbs make me feel sick all the time though so hopefully this is sustainable. Thanks for the videos.

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