Jane MacDonald – ‘My Type 1 Diabetes Story’

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Jane MacDonald has been living with Type 1 diabetes for twenty four years. For the first twenty of those years Jane struggled to maintain normal blood sugar levels until she discovered low carb and the work of Dr. Richard K. Bernstein.

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20 responses to “Jane MacDonald – ‘My Type 1 Diabetes Story’”

  1. A tremendous presentation! So uplifting and yet so troublesome, too, for the obvious failures of the medical profession.

  2. It’s hard to watch this and not be saddened by the current medical approach to treating diabetes. Jane’s courageous presentation was beautifully and sincerely given and it was inspirational to watch.

  3. Hi Jane, thanks for sharing your experience. Getting to meet you and hear your story personally at LCDU about 4 years ago resulted in me passing on your info and strategies to another T1 diabetic which benefited from them immensely… no doubt you saved that individual from terrible complications! Thank you so much for sharing you story, truly inspirational! Very touched by your brothers struggle – I think the medical profession could learn a lot from his experience – once you get the basic sciences of metbolism and diet wrong, patients will no doubt suffer. Well informed, like-minded patients and clinicians can change this if we work together ❤️

  4. I am so very very happy fir you!!
    Thank you for sharing🥰
    I work as an administrator in a hospital, and am so so disheartened for the patients continuing to battle their chronic illnesses, while i cant but try and share my belief in this science to the specialists and doctors who are awate of it, but reply…. There hasn’t been enough trials or proof yet for them to change their treatment protocols .
    They know but of course are governed from higher levels.

    So so so heartbreaking

  5. Wonderful story Jane. So glad you’re doing well on low carb. Astounds me too that the majority of drs etc still don’t know the benefits of low carb

  6. Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your story. I’m type 2, and find it very helpful and motivating to hear success stories.

  7. Very nice to bring the personal aspect to the convention. I appreciated how she showed the clear path of successful living as a type 1 while giving us the perspective of her much better life as compared to the tragidy of family member who did not have the advantage of the public knowledge Low Carb Down Under provides.

  8. Thank you Jane, very much appreciated hearing real life experience from a real person. I’ve also made so many changes since finding this channel and all of its ‘conspiracy theories’ !
    Well done

  9. My heart goes out to you, and yours, for everything you’ve been through, but I’m very thankful you’ve shared your story. I’m in a somewhat similar boat as I went through the Whipple Procedure six years ago (half my pancreas, lower stomach, and gall bladder removed) and I’m a “surgically induced diabetic”; injecting insulin, etc.

    I was also told to get upwards of 60% of my calories from carbs and to be on a low fat diet. Just take more insulin, if you need to. It’s natural (this from the doctor that literally wrote the book on diabetes at a highly respected U.S. university). That didn’t work out so well and trying to keep my glucose in check was a maddening game of “way too high, way too low”.

    It was only after being exposed to the low carb approach that I’ve managed to keep myself fairly well in check (current A1C is 5.2). It really is more of a guessing game, learning to feel the right amounts of things, because of so many variables, that makes diabetes management so difficult. It is made much worse because the experts/authorities are still promoting a high carb, highly processed food diet, with lots of seed oils.

    Voices like yours will help to make a huge difference!

  10. Thank you for sharing your story Jane. I’m glad that you have been able to manage your condition better using diet and technology. I was very surprised and very happy that I was able to reverse my T2 diabetes in less than 3 months. And I am also very thankful for the free information that is readily available on the internet so we can make informed decisions about our health. I was diagnosed in October 2021 and started eating low carb. I kept a food diary and saw a dietician (who also works in a major hospital) and she told me that I wasn’t eating enough carbs. I told her that I would do more research and decided to return. But I did send her my 3 month blood test results! My doctor also wanted to start me on metformin and a statin. I said that you don’t change more than one thing at a time. If I had done that and diet had worked, the medical profession would have assumed that it was the drug/s that had done it. Recently I saw a different GP who wants me on a statin (my LDL has gone up but all other results are great – I’m not concerned) and I told her that it can worsen/cause diabetes. She said oh there is new research coming out finding that statins help with diabetes. My thought was, okay so what are we supposed to believe.

  11. Thanks for telling us your story. I am Type 2 (for 30 years) who uses insulin. I know your fight with diabetes has been much harder than mine. God bless you. Self education is crucial for any diabetic. The tools are available. Controlling blood sugar is critical. We must give up a lot to do it, but you have shown that it can be done. I think Dr. Bernstein’s book is a must for diabetics.

  12. Jane, thank you for sharing your story… mine is very similar.
    I was type 2. I followed all my instructions given to me by my medical team, went to all my diabetic meetings, ate all the ‘right’ food they told me to eat….. years later, I was obese, sick and dying …..and facing blindness!
    My pancreas became ‘burnt out’ and I am now a type 1.

    You are right … why do all the white coats tell us to eat carbohydrates when they know that is the problem!!
    Low Carb / Keto diet saved my life…. Thank you to all the doctors and people like yourself who are supporting this diet and speaking out about it.

  13. Your story parallels mine. I’ve seen the same results. My A1C has come down from 6.8 to 5.3 in six months. Many other improvements like you. Every diabetic needs to hear this information .

  14. Thank you, it’s fantastic to see your results. It’s unbelievable that type one diabetics aren’t given this information.

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