The #1 Best Remedy for Inflammation (Autoimmune, Gut, and Arthritis) That You Never Considered

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Discover the best remedy for inflammation!


0:00 Introduction: Health benefits of colostrum
1:56 What is colostrum?
3:00 More colostrum benefits
6:20 Colostrum supplements
8:02 Learn more about how to get rid of inflammation!

Today we’re going to talk about an extremely powerful natural remedy for inflammation: colostrum.

Colostrum may be beneficial when dealing with certain conditions, such as:
• Inflammation
• Autoimmune diseases
• Gut inflammatory conditions
• Arthritis
• Skin issues related to inflammation

Health benefits of colostrum:
• It helps with gut permeability
• It helps support the immune system
• It may help improve gut damage
• It has been shown to improve muscle growth
• It may help repair the thymus gland
• It has been shown to increase T cells and natural killer cells, which may help prevent cancer and attack viruses
• It increases macrophages, which provide a barrier to protect against pathogens
• It’s high in fat, protein, and immunoglobulins
• It’s very anti-inflammatory
• It helps develop duodenal villi to help prevent malabsorption
• It’s rich in friendly bacteria

Colostrum is the first milk that a mother gives an infant when they’re breastfed. Certain studies have shown a dramatic difference in long-term health between infants given breast milk and those given infant formula.

Colostrum contains many different beneficial nutrients and provides the only natural source of two things:
1. Transforming growth factor alpha-beta
This can greatly help regulate the immune system and support tissue repair.

2. Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2
This has been found to reverse age-related atrophy of the thymus gland.

Breastfeeding is incredibly important. But, if you’re older, you can still get the benefits of colostrum by taking it as a supplement.

Supplements from goats may be a better choice than from cows, if possible. It’s important to first take colostrum in very small amounts and gradually increase the dose until you reach the dose listed on the bottle.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the best remedy for inflammation. I’ll see you in the next video.

59 responses to “The #1 Best Remedy for Inflammation (Autoimmune, Gut, and Arthritis) That You Never Considered”

  1. A goat saved my life. I damaged my gut biome from antibiotic use in 2007. I began losing weight. I was running to the bathroom up to 6 times a day. I lost 13 pounds in a few weeks on an already light frame. 6’2” down to 153 pounds. I researched that goat milk was closest to human milk (although not very close) of all the ruminant animals. I began drinking 0.5 (one half) gallons of raw goat milk a day. Within two weeks I put back 13 pounds and cleared up 90% of my gut issues. That goat saved my life.

  2. Hello Dr. Berg, Wow this is such great information!! I appreciate knowing this, and appreciate all the work that you do and share with us, thank you immensely!! Would you consider doing a video on the risks and benefits associated with LASIK eye correction? As a baby boomer myself, I am researching this, and considering this, but wanting to know the pros and cons involved. Thanks again!! Hello from the Midwest state of IOWA, land of good opportunities, safe/clean/black fertile soil! :-))

    • Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. During LASIK surgery, a special type of cutting laser is used to precisely change the shape of the dome-shaped clear tissue at the front of your eye (cornea) to improve vision.

  3. I found Dr. Berg channel back in January 2023 and have done a lot of research on inflammation and cancer. So far I am finally getting positive results by using supplements, intermittent and prolonged fasting with the Keto adjusted diet for leaky gut. It’s slow moving but it is better progress than what I received from the medical field over the past decade!

    • One great remedy for leaky gut is…. meat stock. Not bone broth. Meat stock. Look up Natasha Campbell-McBride Meat stock. Chicken feet sure does give a lot of gelatin. Dr. Natasha is author of the Gaps diet and 3 or 4 books. Look into the Meat stock, I started feeling better after 3 days. I started eating crap again and started feeling like crap again. So…. follow the GAPs intro diet for as long as you need to. Also, Dr. Elaine G author of the SCD is also a good book. And we have Dr. Berg. Also, Dr. Elizabeth Bright for women slowly increasing fat for hormones.

    • Have you tried looking into apricot kernels (B-17) or fenbendazole for cancer? Yes, fenbendazole is a de-wormer but it has worked for many. Take care and God Bless 🙂 ❤ 🙏 from a fellow (stage 4) breast cancer survivor

  4. Thanks Doctor Berg for all you do, your concern care, love….for humanity. God bless you richly 😊 🙏👍👍👍

    • I second that, love Dr. Berg. People we’d to rethink what they have been taught, THANKS TO DR BERG😎👍👍🙏

  5. Thanks Dr Berg for the veracity of your advices and Insights I ve been following you for 5 years so far ,you ve changed many of my self-limiting beliefs and concepts

    • @N Sudatta-Roy There’s nothing stopping doctors from learning stuff “outside the system”. Doctors can still give opinions. Unfortunately their opinions are almost always backed by Big Pharma.

    • Dr berg is the best! Thank you for all you!

      Dr berg, I’ve been messaging you for a awhile now about my pcos. I finally found out something from a neuropathic doctor. She ran some test and did say my thyroid (tsh) is borderline low which is indicative of an overactive thyroid. Some of the symptoms I’m having
      Extreme hair loss
      Nervous energy/ shakes.
      Acne only on my chin area
      Excess sweating/ always really hot.
      Having a hard time falling asleep.
      Puffy eyes/ only sometimes
      Out of breath/ breathing hard
      Any recommendations anyone???
      Please help. Although I am getting more blood test done I still want to get to the root of the problem instead of going backwards.

      I just want to feel better!! 😢

  6. Thanks Dr. Berg.. Not many of us had the colostrum protection as babies.. Had also heard of people on goat milk.. But the reason n logic was kept highly confidential.. Thanks for making our lives better.. Was badly hit by auto immune disease, was better on IF n keto… This addition helped rebuild of great health 🙏🏻

    • There’s a solution! Undenatured whey protein w/o casein, fat, or lactose. It does everything doc described and more. It’s in the PDR.

    • What do you mean most people weren’t breastfed? Wth why is that? Myself n sisters were all breastfeed for 6months n I breastfed my child for 12 months. That’s such a disservice to your child giving them formula if not really necessary!

    • Keto diet is an acronym for “Keep Eating The Fat Off”, which is a diet that cuts carbs to a minimum. Instead, fat is fortified to provide calories for the body.

  7. I was born in Germany, long ago. We didn’t get any vaxxes or shots except Polio. I had every childhood disease you could get, some I had twice. None of us kids died. When one got sick, the whole class in school was sure to get it. 2 or 3 days at home and you were good to go. Mumps, rubella, pertussis, measles – I had it all, and some. I was outside all the time, with bloody knees and other injuries meant to make you tough – there was no one “kissing the booboo” and smearing antibiotics on me – because it was expected. I don’t get sick and I refused the C-19 vaxx (which cost me my job)….

    • I lost my job over the vaccine too, but it only forced me to retire at 62 which turned out to be the best decision. I am a previous cancer survivor. I have asthma and I am working to reduce my weight now and get healthy. I have had Covid TWICE. The first time I was sick for 3 weeks but not as sick as when I used to get bronchitis. The 2nd time, I was sick for 4 days. I USED to get a flu shot every year but now I don’t. And the funny thing is, since I stopped, I have not had bronchitis at ALL. I used to get it every year. Causes me to wonder about many things.

    • ​@Russ Milosavich You’ve not heard the saying – “died suddenly” or “now they have myocarditis” since the jabs, you need to wake up, if you cannot wake up then it’s your problem.

  8. Thanks Doc you truly rock. Your voice itself cures half of my problems and I give such A+ score to people like yourself.

  9. Dr Berg I would love to hear your thoughts on all these food allergy blood tests and cutting 10-15 foods out of your diet for the rest of your life to cut inflammation….

    I think there are other ways to cut inflammation (fasting) but a natural clinic I’m working with for low cortisol wants me cutting all of these “food allergies.”

  10. I was bottle fed in the 60’s, so this was very interesting. FYI, farmers always have a supply of dried colostrum on hand for emergencies because they know how important colostrum is for the newborn calves or kids. Our local farm supply store sells it. Hint, hint. Wink, wink.

  11. Dr Berg we don’t have words to thank you for your beautiful research and letting the world know the real food and real major n minor diseases and their accurate treatments.Thanks doc

  12. You know what’s hard? Going to doctors in the “real” world who don’t talk to us like Dr Berg talks to us. Instead I get a cold bedside manner and lectured on not taking the jab or rolled eyes when I mention intermittent fasting. Hence I avoid all doctors unless absolutely necessary. Thank God we have Drs Berg, Campbell and Eckberg to teach us!

  13. Since I was a baby 👶 I was lactose intolerant. My grandmother noticed and changed me to goats milk.
    As an adult I am assuring you that my nails,my hair,and my bones are stronger compared with others.
    Goat milk is expensive but is worth.

  14. As always Dr Berg, you are the best. Straight forward information in easy to understand steps. Yes, there are others out there giving nutritional advise, but none equal to you, Dr Berg, in your depth of sources of problems, and ease of solutions.

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