The Surprising Facts about Insulin You Never Knew

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Did you know insulin has health benefits? Let’s clear up some confusion and conflicting information around insulin.


Type 1 Diabetics MUST Do This to Reduce Insulin:

Insulin Index:

0:00 Introduction: Insulin resistance
0:54 Understanding insulin
1:30 Insulin benefits
7:39 Is insulin bad or good?
9:30 How to fix insulin resistance
12:57 Learn more about the insulin index!

Today I want to share something about insulin that you may have never heard before and clear up some confusion regarding insulin.

The main reason why the keto diet and intermittent fasting work so well to support a healthy body is that they both help lower insulin.

However, insulin has certain benefits. This is where the confusion starts. How can insulin be harmful and also have health benefits?

Potential health benefits of insulin:
• It helps lower blood sugar levels
• It supports muscle growth
• It protects against muscle atrophy
• It supports the arteries
• It helps lower LDL cholesterol
• It helps lower blood pressure
• It lowers the production of glucose in the liver
• It supports the absorption of potassium and magnesium
• It suppresses lipolysis
• It is a potent anti-inflammatory
• It has antioxidant properties
• Insulin nasal spray is used to help people who have dementia
• It helps increases testosterone
• It helps lower uric acid

The real problem is with the insulin receptors. When the receptors become resistant, as in insulin resistance, we lose the function of insulin.

When someone has insulin resistance, they actually have an insulin deficiency. You may have excess insulin in your blood, but it’s not affecting the receptors.

A high level of insulin is what creates insulin resistance. The more you increase insulin, the less the receptors will work.

The best ways to fix insulin resistance:
1. Get on the Healthy Keto® diet
2. Start doing intermittent fasting
3. Get regular exercise
4. Reduce your stress
5. Get plenty of sleep

The best natural remedies for insulin resistance:
• Apple cider vinegar (1 Tbsp in water)
• Berberine
• Cinnamon
• Chromium
• Zinc
• Vitamin D
• Magnesium
• Potassium
• Omega-3 fatty acids

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the health benefits of insulin. I’ll see you in the next video.

45 responses to “The Surprising Facts about Insulin You Never Knew”

  1. November 5 2022 I was 54 and I was 104kgs and pre diabetic. It was a long weekend and I binged watched this man’s channel on “get well to lose weight don’t lose weight to get well” . I am now 87 kilos using free weights and cycling three times a week. I feel like I am in my thirties and feeling really well. Listen to this man do your own research and act. 🙏🏼✨

  2. Wow! More information that you can only get from Dr Berg. Type 2 diabetic, beating it with IF and low carb, Keto. I was thinking about asking my Dr to do HOMA IR test. He always says my pancreas is producing plenty of insulin, but can he know without that test? As Dr B says, I still struggle with the Dawn Phenomenon. Maybe there is a test for high Cortisol or that may be part of regular blood work? Thanks Doc.

  3. As someone with type 1, whenever I do daily CARDIO (break out into sweats is the key here) and I have 0 carbs during the day my insulin demands of fast acting insulin are around 10-14 units.

    When I’m doing liberal Keto (30-40 grams of carbs) and I weight train, I need around 30 units of fast acting insulin

    • How are you figuring this out? I am pre diabetic and confused as to what I need to do and how to figure out what my body is doing…thanks

    • @K Miller intermittent fasting is key, eat low carb foods like berries as your carb source. Just stay heavy on eggs, beef, vegetables, sweet potatoes and such.

    • @K Millerread the book, keto adapted, by Maria Emmerich. She tells you exactly what to eat and what not to eat! On a true keto diet, you don’t eat sweet potatoes, and you eat very moderate protein, because to much protein raises blood sugars.

  4. Oh my goodness, this has answered every question and resolved every confusion I’ve had about insulin! Thank you so much, Dr. Berg!

  5. Excellent video! Just one question though about fat intake. The role of insulin is also fat storage and if fat is high then insulin would be needed to put it somewhere or else fat will stay in the blood stream and cause damage. Please explain this also dr berg.

    • To many Carbohydrates(Sugar) in our diet gets deposited on our body as fat. On Keto Diet Fat is used for energy to run our body and the excess becomes 💩💩💩…..!

    • @KD I am not saying carbs are good. But excess fat will is also not good. In this sense why the body does not use carbs as fuel and throw away the rest. I love keto and have been doing for 5-6 yrs but excess fat is my question and the role of insulin in fat storage. Think about it and then reply.. Thanks

  6. Quite interesting indeed, all of it, it makes perfect sense, much of that!
    So, dr. Berg, I guess it may be high time to put things to be put back into perspective, especially when there’s talking about good & bad😌. Isn’t it comparable to the “never ending story” of the alleged “battle” between proces and function, the chicken or the egg, the beginning (A) and the end (O)🙃?!

    Btw, the receptor part is often left out when generally explained, so great thanks to contributing to telling the whole (some) story and dito facts, I synchronistically spoke of components mentioned at the end, to someone close this very morning 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙂!!

  7. This is a very smart video that explains what he has been telling all the time about insulin but from another angle. Insulin isn’t bad, its the long term habits of releasing so much of it that you body fails to release normal levels afterwards

  8. I love you Doctor you are a life saver for free people like you have a space in heaven ever since I’ve known 3 months ago I’ve lost 16,4kg I’m so happy like never before feeling young energetic,doing omad 1 meal a day and keto no sugar no carbs but taking all the fruits I feel like I want same as vegetables,drinking lots of water with lemon.Thank you Doc

  9. Ray Peat and numerous other researchers have been asserting this for years. The issue is not with the carbs or insulin but with the inadequate metabolism of glucose. Berg is gradually becoming more receptive to this concept as he undoubtedly conducts extensive research. However, what will it take for him to acknowledge that adopting keto as a lifestyle may not be a sound idea?

  10. Great THANKS, Dr Berg!!!
    I’m not personally a D2 person, and for a “modern” city living person, It’lldo my best to avoid future D2 etc , issues! Prevntion Steps, and Your Videos is Worth GOLD!!! Unsure how many Millions of people you assisting to improve their Health, but a Nobel Price in Assisting other Humans’ Health should be Given!!! THANKS BLESS

  11. Dr Berg, what is your opinion on the GLP-1 receptor medicines like Wegovy, Ozempic, Monjouro? They are supposed to increase the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas, which lowers glucose and thus helps greatly with weight loss? Isn’t increasing insulin correlated with weight gain? I am confused about this process. Thank you

    • ​@Lisa C I had the exact same problem. I was strick keto and lost no weight. I actually gained a little lol. It wasn’t until I added IF in addition to keto that the weight loss started. My guess is that i was so resistant to insulin that eating even salads was enough to gain weight. Apparently fasting + keto + exercise is the fastest, most efficient way to reverse insulin resistance. So if you haven’t already, maybe try adding intermittent fasting with keto. Hope this helps

  12. My mom is 83 years old and has had Type 1 Diabetes since she was 16. She NEVER eats even one teaspoon of anything with sugar in it and eats only low carb fruits (mainly blueberries, strawberries)and minimal high starch vegetables (only sweet potatoes). If she didn’t have OT she’d be in great health. She should be your poster child!

    • @D. Wilbur OT is Other Tremors -undiagnosed. Her thigh muscles tremble so bad when she stands that she collapses in seconds but can walk miles as long as she doesn’t stop. No doctor can figure it out.

    • Would you be willing to tell me a little more of what she enjoys eating?

      My girlfriend has type 1 diabetes and I’d love to know how to help her feel better.

  13. Thank you Dr Berg ! 🙏 you saved my live and many other lives, 2 millions more subscribers in few times ! You deserve it

  14. I like this take on insulin. It seems to be a good way to explain the issues to a novice.
    Since you mentioned a bunch of supplements may I suggest a video that may help a lot of people: Some supplements are better taken at certain times and on empty stomach and others with a meal. The instructions on the label may or may not issue the best doses either. Then the instructions appear to be based on the 3 meals a day plus snacks schedule that is so common. So I am interested to know which supplement to take when on a 2 meals a day and OMAD schedule.
    I am not where I want to be but I have gone a long way with the help of your videos. I am fighting psoriasis.

  15. Shocking yet very good and reliable information. I am glad I watched the entire video. Thank you again, Dr. Berg.

  16. Dr. Berg, as a former sugar addict, thank you for sharing your vital info. I now eat keto and my insomnia is 85% gone, my peripheral neuropathy is 100% gone and I’ve lost 7 lbs. so far. I’m more conscientious about reading labels. I bought an air fryer which has also changed my life. I tell everyone about you.

    • air fryer to cut down on fats, not a good idea try frying with beef tallow or don’t fry at all but pour lots of olive on salads

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