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You don't need another dopamine detox. Try these tips to support healthy dopamine levels instead.


0:00 Introduction: What is dopamine?
1:54 Dopamine detox
2:42 Conditions related to low dopamine
3:24 Side effects of antipsychotic medications
4:55 Causes of low dopamine
5:23 What to do for low dopamine
8:36 Learn more about the connection between your gut microbiome and neurotransmitters!

Let’s talk about dopamine.

Dopamine has many functions. It’s involved in body movement, sleep cycles, gastrointestinal motility, food intake, learning, kidney function, and blood pressure.

Dopamine is associated with behaviors and certain emotions. However, people on the lower end of the emotional scale aren't going to just have low dopamine but also other neurotransmitters and hormones. Dopamine is increased with pleasure, but it’s also increased with stress and pain.

Conditions related to low dopamine include:
• Parkinson’s
• Schizophrenia
• Depression

Medications used to treat the above conditions can deplete other neurotransmitters and have potential side effects.

Dopamine isn’t a single molecule that works on its own to create an effect. It’s a system that creates many different effects. Trying to increase dopamine without looking at the bigger picture isn’t going to work.

Here are some action steps you can take if you have low dopamine:
1. Get rid of artificial stimulus
2. Balance dopamine and other neurotransmitters
3. Consume a little more animal protein and fat
4. Support your gut microbiome
5. Get plenty of vitamin C (leafy greens or sauerkraut)
6. Get plenty of copper (shellfish or seafood)

Tips to help balance dopamine and other neurotransmitters naturally:
• Exercise consistently
• Get outside
• Get plenty of sun or vitamin D3
• Involve yourself in music or the arts
• Do things you like
• Get connected with other people
• Get plenty of tyrosine (consume high-quality animal protein)

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand dopamine. I’ll see you in the next video.

35 responses to “The DOPAMINE Myth”

  1. Thank you for this message, it’s right on time! I’m in the process of manifesting something huge and I need to work on my neuroplasticity as a whole. This helps me in ways you can’t imagine!☺️☺️

    • @Spam Mouse awe, how kind are you all. I’m in the process of manifesting a total shift of now reality, new home/neighborhood, new career, new life path. I’ve been working on my “happy brain” having recently heard a speaker insist the organs in our body reflect our dominant feelings, so when we “leave here” our organs, brain for example can tell a physician a lot about our over all state of lifestyle, I’ve been shifting to a happy brain believing my happy brainwaves will trigger what I believe and draw into my life the things I seek. Raising dopamine is essential and now I hope it’s understood how the universe brought this fantastic message right to me.

    • @Ava Darling Dear More power to your goals, anyone reading your words even in some small way will be supporting your quest. 👍

  2. Preach it, Dr. Berg! It’s like swimming upstream against the current. Appreciate you!

  3. First, thanks again, Dr. Berg! ❤ You teach us how to deal with emotionally unstable, hormonally imbalanced- “food addicts” who SEEM to be hell-bent on making us happy-gut people miserable. MUCH RESPECT, SIR! 🤘

  4. Great information.
    So encouraging to hear the complex ambiguity of the body in relation to health expressed so well.

  5. General practitioners can prescribe SSRI meds without a referral from a specialist. Combine that with a lack of dietary advice and the results can be devastating. Adopting healthy keto and intermittent fasting has done more for me in 18 months than 6 years of SSRI therapy. A literal night vs day difference! SSRI’s are one of the most prescribed meds in the US and diet is the most ignored.

  6. I’m someone that has consumed many different drugs in my time and also have an adrenaline dump enjoyment. I practice many “extreme” sports and activities to get this. My whole life I have had a thing for jumping from high places, be it bridges, cliffs, planes, whatever it’s just my natural jam.
    The feeling of a buzz when delivered naturally is superior to any drug but it is short lived. The consumption of actual drugs can give a similar and prolonged felling but there is a but. I personally moved away from “party” drugs as they are clearly destructive. I now only smoke weed, take a high dose mushroom trip once a year, and spend a lot of time in the wilderness to keep myself in check and make myself feel good… Life is what you make of it, try to enjoy it any way you can! 🙂

  7. ADHD is real I have suffered from it since I was a kid . Since I finally got medicine again it has change my life for the better so much . My thoughts have been less scattered and I can focus on mundane tasks . People who say ADHD isn’t real most likely doesn’t have it so they have a hard time understanding it .

    • Well it is a condition, that doesn’t mean by labelling they truly understand it. Also drugs are never a good long term plan, take it from someone who’s taken many 😂 including prescription. They are very good at dealing with short term problems when needed like with surgery, with fairly smallish negative effects. But long term the negative effects will also build up higher and the positives will always diminish. That’s not to say in the end they do nothing but I’ve yet to ever experience or see any drug that provided a better outcomes in the long run. It might take a year or even two or three, but eventually their just getting you close to back to normal and the other half the time your worse off than before.

  8. Great information.
    Aside from diet modifications, the best thing I’ve done to help my brain and sleep health is staying off my phone. After dinner, I now play guitar and then listen to calm music and read spiritual books.
    Going back to all the old ways…is the way.
    Thanks for sharing this 😃👍
    Peace love and blessings!

  9. Mind blowing, no pun intended. Dr Berg, this is life changing. I’m amazed how consistently rapt I am from your videos. Sincere thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge & experience.

  10. Dr Berg! Ive been battling restless leg syndrome for the past 4 ish years, it’s been getting better but about a year ago I made the connection that mine was caused from dopamine issues. I’ve been taking supplements for dopamine health and it’s taken a few months of taking the supplements but I almost never get it anymore, and although I was happy before there’s a new feeling of peace in my life. I now take vitamins A,B,C,D,K, zinc, magnesium, and p3-om pro biotic, focus on good sleep, and (only because it’s relevant) stopped watching pornography. It definitely took a significant amount of time to notice any difference, but so happy I stayed with it.

  11. In 2003 my mentor asked me a question. “Do we eat to live or live to eat?” Said it all. Throughout the years, I tried to pass this message on to clients.Thank You once again Dr.Berg for being. You are greatly apppreciated

  12. Would’ve liked to hear your thoughts on nootropics like mucuna pruriens. It sometimes helps me with mood when I am feeling down and I believe it works primarily by stimulating dopamine production.

  13. Without knowing all this I started to take a lot of Vit D3 and B1 , eating healthy keto and IF and got rid of all these dopamine regulating medication and lost 45 kilo. Thank you Dr Berg

  14. For schizophrenia, I was recently reading some research papers that suggested brain inflammation is the root cause of the alterations in the neurotransmitter balance.

  15. I love how tenacious Dr Berg is with his research, and what a great communicator he is. This is SO useful. 11M subscribers now 🙂

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