23 WEIRD Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

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Vitamin D is crucial to support a healthy body. Here are 23 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you may have never heard of before.


0:00 Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency
0:19 Well-known vitamin D deficiency symptoms
0:36 Surprising symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
8:18 Make sure you can always find unfiltered health information by signing up for my newsletter!

Today, I want to cover a few symptoms that you might not have realized are associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Having low vitamin D can affect the body in a myriad of ways—it’s important to avoid becoming deficient in vitamin D.

Keep in mind that any time you take vitamin D, you should also take vitamin K2. The ratio should be 100 mcg of vitamin K2 for every 10,000 IU of vitamin D3.

Being vitamin D deficient is commonly associated with symptoms like:
• Bone loss
• Bone pain
• Low immunity
• Depression
• High blood pressure
• Inflammation
• Asthma
• Poor sleep

Surprising signs of vitamin D deficiency:
1. Nightmares
2. Restless leg syndrome
3. Acne
4. Bipolar disorder
5. Skipped heartbeats
6. Breathing disorders
7. Psoriasis and eczema
8. Sinus issues
9. Hay fever
10. Rapid breathing in infants
11. Recurrent tonsillitis in children
12. Structural development problems in children
13. Long COVID
14. Early puberty
15. Uterine fibroids
16. Irregular menstrual cycles
17. Longer menstrual cycles
18. Urinary incontinence
19. Vertigo
20. Sarcopenia
21. Myopia
22. Glaucoma
23. Erectile dysfunction

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals®. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. I’ll see you in the next video.

53 responses to “23 WEIRD Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms”

  1. Dr. B, yesterday I met this pregnant lady, and she was contemplating not taking her prenatal vitamins. I referred her to your channel and briefly explained the importance of vit D during pregnancy!!!! Hopefully, it helps her

  2. The wisest doctor in the whole world is Dr Berg!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😊

  3. I wish I had known all this throughout my kids and my own rearing.Forever grateful for you doctor Berg ! Followed you for around five years now and yet as I said, wish I had known all this prior….IT ALLLLLL MAKES SENSE! INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF SENSE!

  4. Thank you Dr. Berg for all the research you do. You are a real physician. Not like the ones paid by the government in England who don’t really care if you get better or not. You stand out in your field and your advice and optimism keep us hanging on with some positivity that we can improve our own help with good advice from people like yourself. Thank you again. 😊

  5. Outstanding info as usual. We need Dr Berg in charge of the FDA so the truth would be taught, told and enforced and the garbage off the market

  6. Perfect timing on this video. I’m just finding out this was my problem recently. I literally felt like i was dying the last few months. Was looking into being diabetic, nope, not it. Starting taking D3 last week and now almost instant relief. I feel normal again

  7. At 76 I can’t help but reflect on how different my life would have been with this knowledge. I hope young people are sitting up and paying very close attention. I have lived with all of these symptoms my whole life and it wasn’t fun. Thank you Dr. Berg. At least I have a better understanding of unseen influences that were directing my development and choices. 🇨🇦❤️

  8. Sharing Dr Berg notes:

    Having low vitamin D can affect the body in a myriad of ways—it’s important to avoid becoming deficient in vitamin D.

    Keep in mind that any time you take vitamin D, you should also take vitamin K2. The ratio should be 100 mcg of vitamin K2 for every 10,000 IU of vitamin D3.

    Being vitamin D deficient is commonly associated with symptoms like:
    • Bone loss
    • Bone pain
    • Low immunity
    • Depression
    • High blood pressure
    • Inflammation
    • Asthma
    • Poor sleep

    Surprising signs of vitamin D deficiency:
    1. Nightmares
    2. Restless leg syndrome
    3. Acne
    4. Bipolar disorder
    5. Skipped heartbeats
    6. Breathing disorders
    7. Psoriasis and eczema
    8. Sinus issues
    9. Hay fever
    10. Rapid breathing in infants
    11. Recurrent tonsillitis in children
    12. Structural development problems in children
    13. Long COVID
    14. Early puberty
    15. Uterine fibroids
    16. Irregular menstrual cycles
    17. Longer menstrual cycles
    18. Urinary incontinence
    19. Vertigo
    20. Sarcopenia
    21. Myopia
    22. Glaucoma
    23. Erectile dysfunction

    Thank You Dr Berg! 🐱👍🏿

  9. Vitamin D helped me overcome a 22 year history of colitis! 10 months ago I saw Dr Berg’s videos on vitamin D and autoimmune diseases. I started following his protocol and within days my symptoms were getting better!! 3 months ago I was deprescribed from my colitis medicine. Two days ago I had a follow-up colonoscopy which revealed no inflammation!! Along the way I lost 45 lbs, and was deprescribed from 2 blood pressure medications. I thank you!!

  10. What weird timing! I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency a few days ago and my doctor has told me to supplement 1000iu of vitamin D 3 times a day! Thank you doctor Berg for your insights!

    • I’m not a doctor, but I’m in the sun a lot, and my D was mid to low. I now switch monthly between 5000iu and 10,000iu because of Dr. Berg.

    • I’m not sure your levels but 1000iu is a drop in the bucket. I am a nurse, and my physicians order 50000iu as a weekly dose for usually 6 weeks and drop off to 2000 to 5000iu per day. I always say listen to your doctor, but they often get this one wrong.

  11. Interestingly, almost every one of these describes me from childhood to adulthood. I’m not surprised, but it sure does explain a lot of my issues. Thanks Dr. Berg!

  12. Thank you Dr. Berg, for that pertinent information regarding some deficiencies that possibly are causing my disorder in the body. Luckily, I am taking supplements I just might not be taking enough or in combination with exercise to make it complete recovery.😊

  13. Dr. Berg has been reading my mind! I was recently intrigued with how vitamin D plays a huge role. I am so grateful to have found you. I started to take vitamin D my heart palpitations has decreased. Parkinson’s Disease has signs of vitamin D depletion, no vitamin D. Also, sugar depletes vitamin D. Thank you Dr. Berg.

  14. Looking back on my childhood I was probably vitamin D deficient my whole life. I was diagnosed in my 50’s when I was being tested for celiac. Also looking back at my children’s childhood and adulthood, I bet they were also. I’m going to share this video with them. Thank you!

  15. I am a 62-year-old African American woman who currently maintains a daily regimen of 40,000 IU of vitamin D3, alongside 100 mcg of vitamin K2. Following Dr. Berg’s guidance, it is recommended to take 100 mcg of vitamin K2 for every 10,000 IU of vitamin D3. Regarding the matter of urinary incontinence, I am grateful to report that I do not experience this issue.

    • if you eat unhealthy food, don´t think that high dose D vill save you! Better to eat healthy , unprocessed food, no supplements at all than unhealthy food, suger, smoking etc and lots of D Vit.

  16. I had a major Vitamin D deficiency issue a few years ago and even though I was taking vitamin D my body wasn’t absorbing it. My doctor told me to make sure that on top of taking vitamin D that I also sit in the sun for 20 minutes three times a week. It definitely made a huge difference

  17. Dr. Berg, there is an internet doctor that I trust more than any doctor in any hospital or office today. You. Thank you 💛

  18. Thank you, Dr. Berg, for giving us the proper ratio of Vitamin K2 to D3. You may have mentioned it in a past video that I missed. But the first couple of D3/K2 videos of yours that I watched (about a year ago) mentioned no ratio, so I was left to research it on my own. Glad you made it plain here.

  19. ❤Thank you so much Dr Berg. Dr Eric Berg is bringing up my family’s heath getting better and better than before. Thank you for all of topics he has posted up.❤100.000.000 like

  20. Hello Dr Berg, thank you very much for your growth boost tipps. Because im not the tallest guy, i was concerned about the development of my kids and bumped into your videos inclunding growth boost.

    Since end of january i tried to follow your tipps as close as possible, and also forced my kids to eat healthy stuff, such as scrambled eggs or paprika, because they refuesd to eat those things since infancy and also threw up, caused by not being used to it, being forced and not getting their will. Now they eat it regulary. Still with a slight distaste, but they accept it now.

    My just turned 11y old daughter made 8cm and is now 150cm and my just turned 6y boy made approx. 6.5cm and is now at 118,5cm. Their “rapid” growth has also been recognized by others.

    Thank you very much.

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