The Hidden Source of Heart Attacks/Strokes: NO ONE TOLD YOU…YET

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Discover the hidden source of heart attacks that most people don’t know about.


Mouth Bacteria Linked to Arthritis:

0:00 Introduction: The hidden source of heart attacks
2:08 Chronic apical periodontitis
3:22 How do you know if you have infected teeth?
4:30 Side effects of infected teeth
5:30 Remedies to prevent heart attack from infected teeth

In this video, we’re going to talk about a surprising hidden source of heart attacks. In his book "Hidden Epidemic," Dr. Thomas Levy reported that 78% of patients with myocardial infarctions and occluded arteries also had DNA of pathogens typical for infections in root canal-treated teeth.

This type of chronic infection is known as chronic apical periodontitis and often has no symptoms. As you’re chewing, you push bacteria deeper into the lymphatic system, affecting the heart and causing other inflammatory issues like arthritis.

Infected teeth are often missed on routine dental X-rays. C-reactive protein levels in your blood are a biomarker for inflammation and can sometimes signify infected teeth.

The infection can be in the tooth, gums, jaw, or tonsils. Pathogens in your mouth can create significant oxidative stress and free radical damage. One of the ways your body responds is by developing clots. Other symptoms include fatigue, chronic inflammation, jaw problems, and tooth sensitivity.

To strengthen your immune system and prevent the spread of bacteria from your teeth, take 1 to 2 grams (500 mg a few times a day) of liposomal vitamin C. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant to lower oxidative stress in the body.

Liposomal vitamin C is one of the only forms that can work at the intracellular level. Liposomal vitamin C will not cause diarrhea, even when taken in large quantities.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book "The Healthy Keto Plan" and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the connection between a root canal and heart attacks. I’ll see you in the next video.

99 responses to “The Hidden Source of Heart Attacks/Strokes: NO ONE TOLD YOU…YET”

  1. A decade ago, I encountered the idea that poor oral hygiene can lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream, potentially leading to inflammation and complications in the heart and other organs

  2. I read this few years back. This is why oral health is important and we need brush twice a day.

  3. Ok. I’m scheduling a checkup first thing Monday morning!!!!! Thank youuuuuuuuu!!! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤

  4. I had a dentist leave alot of infection under the teeth after a root canal, and filling repairs. The root canal sight pain took three days to die down. He claimed this was nowmal, but I wonder. Ever since, my teeth became painfull and simple cleaning required so many shots to numb, my face felt as if it would slide off, and nittous oxide just to control the pain. AND, I developed a severe fear of the drill. Since then, I am put under for any dental work. I cannot hear or see a drill. Strangely, all my teeth rotted out, no matter how well I cleaned them. I wear inplants now, and do not miss my teeth, and all of that pain.

    • I started having severe teeth problems as you described but I fixed it. Here’s what happened:

      First tooth near the front was rotting from the inside with no pain. Dentist caught it and fixed it. He showed me the picture. It was almost gone.

      Second tooth towards the back started doing the same thing. I needed a crown.

      More teeth started getting loose. I thought for sure I needed to remove them.

      I was already taking massive amounts of vitamin b complex. Then, I added a little bit of vitamin A, zinc, copper, calcium, D3, chromium, k2, and the aminos l-glutamine and l-glycine.

      I also reduced stress by a lot and forced myself to sleep (or just lay there in bed) for around 10 hours every night. (But be active when I’m out and about… daily mile walks, bike rides, weight lifts)

      I saw things reversing within a month. Basically I’m old and stress was killing me.

      Today, I’m continuing to relax more and do the same things (sleep well and daily activities) and teeth are just about back to normal.

    • its not a theory, you can verify if you have an issue via a cone beam scan (CBCT). unfortunately most dentists dont know or look out for this jaw cavitation issue. You can clearly see the infection if you have it.

    • Don’t stress I’m sure this is a myth. I’ve been online and found this idea to be debunked.

  5. Dr. Berg is speaking Oral/Medical Truth/Facts!
    The late Wilt Chamberlain died by way of Cardiac Arrest via a tooth infection!
    Thank you so much Dr. Berg for another humanitarian, educational video!
    You’re the best!

  6. I’m telling you again…. You post once a week about some random thing I’ve been thinking about… this is crazy…

  7. I had a failed root canal (5 roots instead of 4 -1989 x-ray tech did not see the extra) – so root canal done and I went on my merry way – no pain, no discomfort. BUT! I started getting bronchitis and pneumonia twice a year like clockwork and thought I was developing some sort of COPD or other issue. Then I started getting an abscess around the root canaled molar. Come to find out – the infection I had been carrying for 29 year was eating away at my jawbone and leaking every night into my bronchial tubes – causing persistent infection. Got the tooth extracted and voila! No more colds. Take care of your teeth and gums people.

  8. It’s so SHOCKING that this would happen in a nation that believes that your mouth/teeth are NOT part of your body & don’t fall under healthcare.
    I always thought the body works as a system & it’s all connected.

    • Sure oral infection can cause infection if the coronariarteries…ans in France our health system is offering a free annual visit to the dentist…l as an orthopaedic surgeon ask my patients having THA…AND TKA TO BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THEIR PARODONTAL HEALTH…cardiac surgeon same thing with synthetic valve..

    • The nation doesn’t believe it-it’s pharma & Fed Govt who conspire ways to keep us unhealthy & bloat healthcare costs. They don’t care. 🤷‍♀️

  9. As someone in the Dental field, this is exactly why we have been fighting for dental to be under the umbrella of medical coverage

    • Hey, if it causes heart attacks then that’s a cash cow, so shhhh…. Obviously I’m with you. It’s so “you’re on your own” when dealing with defensive, not preventive, any more it’s literally defensive, care of the body system.

    • ? Most people who have medical benefits, also have dental coverage. But yes, that would be a good idea.

  10. I had a root canal done and it also became infected and I had an abscess. I had all kinds of issues with my teeth. Glad I found a great dentist that fixed it all. People think skipping dentist visits is ok but it really isn’t.

    • I cleared any gum abscesses and toothache in the past simply by consuming cashews and raw garlic. I haven’t been to a dentist in 46-years. I eat anything. Still have all my teeth at 66.

    • What did the dentist do to remedy that?
      My root canal became infected then I had another root canal on the same molar the root was cracked. Two years later I have a constant low pain in the same molar that had two root canals.

  11. Thank you Dr, Berg. I live in England and we are short on dentists. I cannot afford private and even they have a waiting time of up to 15 weeks! Unfortunately our once upon a time fantastic NHS has been corrupted and no longer offers services such as the emergency NHS dentist. I have been living with often a times torturous tooth pain in the last 3 years ( I am on their emergency list as well, which I have been informed could take years!) and ended up four times in the emergency ward, where they no longer are able to offer you dental help, but instead you go home with pharma pills. During these attacks I have been going through heart pain. I have helped myself by consuming daily fresh lemon juice and I also used freshly ground turmeric to brush my gums and teeth with, which has helped enormously. Turmeric combined with black pepper has been part of my diet in the last two decades and has cured many issues I once had.

    • Use baking soda once a week, and use sea salt and water to clean your teeth. Also at night before bedtime gargle with hydrogen peroxide 3% with little water to disinfect your mouth.

    • The fresh lemon juice might be the source of extreme sensitivity to tooth roots. Also fresh lemon juice eats the enamal. Drink the Tumeric in warm water but stop with the fresh lemon juice. Watch Dr. Ellie Philips and her protocol for remineralizing your tooth surface and improve dental healh. She has an incredible story of a young woman who sucked on fresh lemons and had severe root pain as a result. Dr. Philips was able to save the rest of her teeth! Hope this helps. Stop with lemon juice !

  12. There was a Netflix program on this subject called “The Root cause” basically saying the same thing. The bacteria in the implants can affect lots of different parts of the body.

  13. You’re better off having a tooth extracted then having a root canal. The cost of placing a post & crown is worth every penny.

    • I did that with 2 molars but I didn’t want the implants to be made of titanium (which is standard) after having seen the documentary called Root Cause which warned against it and recommended zirconia instead. So, I did a lot of research and found out that the absolute best (and most expensive) brand of implants is a German one called Straumann. I eventually found a clinic in London that specialised in those implants and had both teeth done for £6500. Expensive but turned out great.

    • You can’t place a post and a crown on a tooth that has been extracted. If you mean implant, then yes you can do that

    • I will look into that because the dentist and specialist who did the root canal, did not inform me nor suggest a molar tooth implant. I had no idea that was available.

  14. To those of you with high blood pressure ,must look to your stomach ,if you have gastro cardiac syndrome,or hiatal hernia you blood pressure is going to be high ,nervous stomach also .you must not sit straight after finishing breakfast ,lunch ,or dinner ,because your full stomach pushes up toward your heart,and give you burning sensation on your upper chest.

  15. I had it, tooth came out and changed my balance and walking. Brain fog improved. I was sick and didn’t know it!

  16. My old boss had throat cancer and one of the first things they did was remove all his root canals. They’re incubators of death! I swore off root canals then. Now I learn this!

  17. Wow! My dentist wanted to do a root canal on me but I did extensive research and concluded that I wanted the tooth pulled. I had to schedule an appointment just to convince my dentist that I did not want a root canal. I’m glad my research and Dr.Bergs video today conclude to the same. The problem with a root canals is the necrotic tissue that gets left behind.

  18. I’ve actually had chest pains when I had dental problems before. The thumbnail itself hit home for me.

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